The Research Group had a successful participation in the 3rd Industrial Informatics Festival i2fest 2012, held at Kavala, Greece. Our team in collaboration with researchers of ‘Athena’ Research Center (Xanthi’s branch) have managed to put quite a display of various of our activities, including robotic platforms, measurement systems, aerial systems, microcontrollers and applications, multimedia and virtual reality applications, interactive smartboards and applications. Moreover, the project of our student, Konstantinos Papakeipis entitled “A mechatronic robot for small loads transportation” was awarded with the best thesis award! A demo of the project can be found here. An overall presentantion of the exhibits can be found here.

A special attraction was the gesture-based robotic platform navigation and surveillance system developed by our student Kostas Papakipis, which was eventullly awarded the best diploma thesis award.

Here is a video interview (in greek) of the president of the organizing committee of i2fest 2012, prof. Pogaridis:
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